Valor Surges are special abilities that can be unlocked and used in Horizon Forbidden West. Valor Surges can assist Aloy in combat by temporarily boosting her damage, restoring her health, or providing unique abilities.
There are 18 Valor Surges in total, three per skill tree. Although Valor Surges do not require skill points to acquire, there are usually a number of prerequisite skills that must be learned to unlock a Valor Surge. Only one Valor Surge can be equipped at a time.
The abilities of each Valor Surge correspond to the skill tree in which it is located. For example, Surges in the Warrior Skill Tree are usually related to melee combat and the spear, whereas Surges in the Infiltrator tree focus on stealth and evasion.
In order to use an unlocked Valor Surge, Valor points are required. Valor accumulates in combat by performing various actions such as defeating enemies or triggering status effects. The rate of gain is affected by several skills, including Low Health Valor and Valor Surge Master. By default, Aloy does not gain Valor by taking damage from enemies unless Valor on Impact is unlocked.
The base rate of Valor points earned is listed in the table[1] below:
All Valor Surges can be upgraded to Level 2 and subsequently Level 3. Upgrading a Valor Surge requires skill points and increases the amount of Valor required to use that Surge to its full extent but will greatly improve its performance. When a Valor Surge is upgraded it will boost the existing stats as well as add a new effect to the surge e.g. the third upgrade for overshield unlocks an ability so that when the shield is depleted it explodes.
Upgrading a Valor Surge to Level 2 requires three skill points and upgrading to Level 3 require five.
Valor Surges[]
Warrior Surges[]
The Warrior tree, which focuses on the acquisition of spear combos and attacks, contains the following Surges.
Triggering an elemental state with a direct hit causes an elemental blast, which deals 150 elemental damage and 225 elemental buildup in a 5 meter radius
Duration: 25 seconds
Trap and Tripwire Damage: +100%
Trap and Tripwire Elemental Buildup: +75%
Trap and Tripwire Knockdown Power: +75%
Trap Effect Radius: +100%
Instantly launches a set of 6 hovering mines around you. These mines deal 300 Explosive damage in a 2 meter radius.
Duration: 120 seconds
Number of Traps Deployed: 10
Explosive Damage per Trap: 450
Hunter Surges[]
The Hunter tree, which focuses on developing Aloy's proficiency with ranged weapons, contains the following Surges.
"Powered by a special mode on your Focus, your next several shots with any Hunter Bow will mark your targets. Marked targets have increased chance of receiving Critical Hit damage. Destroy a target's components to cause an explosion that deals extra damage."
"Consume a special potion to restore health and gain resistance to status effects."
"Activate a special armguard based on ancient technology to gain a rechargeable, damage-absorbing energy shield."
"Consume a special potion to deal more damage and gain a Second Chance while reducing your maximum Health to critical health levels. When the Valor Surge ends, regain health up to the critical health threshold."
"Bolster your resolve against multiple enemies. Damage chains from one enemy to another within 15m and boosts knockdown power."
"Powered by a special mode in your Focus, deal more damage to machine components and weak spots."
"Powered by a special mode in your Focus, all overridden machines emit arcs of electricity to nearby machines, deal more damage, take damage over time, and explode upon death."