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"That thing is huge; and built to fight."
Aloy, upon sighting a Thunderjaw

The Thunderjaw is a Combat Class machine in Horizon Zero Dawn, Horizon Forbidden West and Horizon Call of the Mountain.


At the advent of the Derangement, almost all machines started becoming increasingly aggressive towards humans. In addition, HEPHAESTUS began manufacturing Combat Class machines designed for the sole purpose of combating humans in an effort to cull their population, with the Thunderjaw being among the new Combat Class machines.

Thunderjaws can be found in the Valleymeet, the Sundom, the Cut, No Man's Land, the Clan Lands, and the central Burning Shores. The only known Cauldron that produces Thunderjaws are Cauldron ZETA.[1]

The Carja hunter Ahsis, Hawk of the Hunters Lodge, was the first known hunter to have killed a Thunderjaw. In the thirteenth year of Sun-King Jiran's reign, after the machine destroyed the Carja freehold of Morning Light, Ahsis tracked, found and engaged it, narrowly defeating it by using its own Disc Launchers against it. As the largest and most powerful machine ever successfully hunted in the Lodge’s history up to that time, the kill elevated him to the rank of Sunhawk.[2] The body of this Thunderjaw was later retrieved and is now kept on display in the center of the Lodge.



Five years later, while no conclusive evidence was provided, it was thought that the destruction of a Carja freehold near the Hands of the Flood and the deaths of nine people in the early spring of the eighteenth year of Sun-King Jiran's reign was the first of another Thunderjaw's series of attacks, later known as the legendary Redmaw, deadliest of Thunderjaws. Many hunters sought out Redmaw, with very few returning after setting out, and none able to bring it down.

Horizon Zero Dawn[]

After sponsoring Aloy as her Thrush, Talanah had her hunt a Thunderjaw and Stormbird to collect their trophies, which she successfully did.[3]

Redmaw Quest

Talanah and Aloy watching Ahsis fight Redmaw.

Talanah was planning a hunt of Redmaw, knowing that if successful, she would succeed Ahsis as Sunhawk of the Hunters Lodge, but when Ahsis went ahead of her, she followed. After Aloy caught up with Talanah, they found Ahsis fighting Redmaw, but he was incapacitated by a tail sweep sending him flying into a large rock. Aloy and Talanah then engaged Redmaw, finally taking it down, ending Redmaw's series of attacks. As they checked on Ahsis, he succumbed to his wounds, making him Redmaw's final casualty.[4]

Thunderjaw Blood was among the blood Brin requested Aloy get for him, prompting her to destroy a Thunderjaw to get the blood.[5]


A Thunderjaw being constructed in Cauldron ZETA.

When Aloy infiltrated Cauldron ZETA, she found a Thunderjaw in the middle of being constructed. Once she destroyed it and overrode ZETA's core, she gained access to the information needed to override Thunderjaws.[1]

Two corrupted Thunderjaws were among the machines used by the Shadow Carja, one being used by the Eclipse to help invade the Sacred Lands and attempt to cause All-Mother Mountain to collapse, trapping the Nora within, but it was destroyed by the Nora with the help of Aloy.[6] The other was used by the Shadow Carja to chase down Vanasha as she was helping Prince Itamen and his mother Nasadi defect back to the Carja, but it was destroyed by Aloy and some Carja guards.[7]

The Sun Furrows Hunting Grounds use Thunderjaws in all three of their trials, including one where hunters use Ravagers to destroy the Thunderjaws.[8]

Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds[]

Geared Up Icerail

Aloy and Varga fighting a Thunderjaw.

In order to get a Thunderjaw Mandible to improve the Icerail, Aloy and Varga took down a Thunderjaw to get one.[9]

When Aloy, Aratak and Ourea, attempted to override the door to Cauldron EPSILON, HEPHAESTUS deployed a daemonic Thunderjaw to stop them. In the end, however, it proved no match for them and was destroyed.[10]

Horizon Call of the Mountain[]

Call of the Mountain shooting a Thunderjaw

Ryas fighting a Thunderjaw.

While searching Talonreach, Ryas encountered a Thunderjaw which he subsequently trapped, avoided, then battled when he ran out of other options. Much to his surprise, Ryas was able to take it down, wishing that his brother Urid could've seen it.

Ryas subsequently encountered a Thunderjaw in the ruins of Devil's Anger and Day's End. In the former, he was forced to confront it when it was thawed out of its frozen state and the latter was lured by Asera's machine lure.

Sometime between Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West[]

While the circumstances of how are unknown, Aloy somehow lost the ability to override Thunderjaws, as well as most other machines.

Horizon Forbidden West[]

Thunderjaws were briefly mentioned by Itamen, warning Aloy to watch out for them.[11]

A new model of Thunderjaw, the Apex Thunderjaw, was released into the wilds alongside their regular counterpart sometime after Apex machines were first released from Repair-Bay TAU.[12]

The Arena at the Memorial Grove use Apex Thunderjaws in their battles, including the 'Apex Predators', which requires hunters to kill an Apex Thunderjaw and an Apex Scorcher in a single fight.

Thirst for the Hunt

Drakka fighting a Thunderjaw.

As Aloy and Drakka were rescuing an injured Desert Tenakth soldier, they were attacked by a Thunderjaw and some Burrowers, which they were able to destroy.[13]

While the Quen were working to find a way into Thebes, an Apex Thunderjaw started patrolling the area, trapping those in the Digsite and the rest of the Quen couldn't get close to help. Bohai and the Ceo sent Aloy to destroy it for them.[14]

A Thunderjaw was among machines that were lured into the Valley of the Fallen by a Zenith lure to keep tribal humans away from the coast where they could see the Zenith base. These machines were destroyed by Aloy.[15]

While a Desert Tenakth child was out attempting to hunt, he encountered a Thunderjaw and hid from it. After Meat brought back the child's training sword cord, Yarra/Drakka and Aloy went out to find him. Upon finding the child, they were interrupted by the Thunderjaw, which Aloy and Yarra/Drakka engaged. Despite being assisted by a Stormbird, the Thunderjaw was destroyed.[16]

When Beta released HEPHAESTUS into the Zenith printer matrix, it started mass producing Thunderjaws, Slaughterspines and Dreadwings to fight the huge group of Specters and the Zeniths. The machines all eventually wiped each other out while HEPHAESTUS escaped.[17]

When Aloy infiltrated Cauldron KAPPA and overrode its core, she regained access to corrupted information needed to override Thunderjaws.[18] Using the equipment at the Base, she was able to restore the override.


The Thunderjaw is a huge bipedal machine with features akin to those of a Tyrannosaurus Rex: powerful and bulky legs, a long body, and a heavy tail to maintain equilibrium. Its body features symmetrical weaponry: a laser weapon in its mouth, cannons on its jaws, a radar array on its back, and Disc Launchers on its hips.


Like most large machines, Thunderjaws are found alone. A pair can be found together protecting a herd of Lancehorns in the Glarebreak, west of Free Heap.

When undisturbed, Thunderjaws mill about their respective sites, their footfalls an early warning to anyone wandering too close. They are so massive that they can knock over trees just by walking into them.


The Thunderjaw’s huge size, power, array of weapons, and capacity to sustain damage make it one of the most formidable machines. It employs a variety of powerful melee and ranged attacks.

Additionally, its radar scanner allows quick detection of hunters hiding in tall grass. Unlike that of a Scrapper, which is able to detect only movement, the Thunderjaw’s radar can detect humans regardless of their motion. In Horizon Zero Dawn, Thunderjaws have no elemental weaknesses, and are resistant to Shock. In Horizon Forbidden West, both Thunderjaw variants are resistant to Shock and Frost damage, with the Apex variant having resistances to every element but Acid.

While it is unconfirmed, Thunderjaws can supposedly hear a bow shot. While most machines would investigate where the shot landed, a Thunderjaw will investigate where the shot originated from.


A Thunderjaw's major structural weaknesses are its heart and data nexus; ranged weapon strikes on either cause significant damage once they are exposed. Similarly, landing a shot of the corresponding element on exposed elemental canisters will induce their status effects. Its mandibular cannons, disc launchers, tail and radar unit can all be removed with enough Tear damage, disabling their corresponding abilities entirely.

In Horizon Forbidden West, both variants are weak to Acid, and inflicting the Corroding state will make it easier to access its main weak spots.


Horizon Zero Dawn[]

Melee attacks[]
Name Primary Damage Secondary Damage Trigger Range Description
Bite Attack 250 - 11m - 17m Snaps at enemy with mandibles
Charge 275 - 20m - 80m Charges and rams enemy
Foot Stomp 290 50 0m - 7m Stamps on enemy
Rushing Bite Attack 250 - 18m - 33m Charges and snaps at enemy
Tail Slam 300 - 6m - 16m Vertical bludgeon attack with tail
Tail Swipe 300 - 17m - 27m Spinning bludgeon attack with tail
Ranged attacks[]
Name Damage Type Primary Damage Secondary Damage Trigger Range Description
Disc Launcher - 360 Attack Explosion 130 - 5m - 25m Discs strike in a circle around chassis
Disc Launcher - Barrage Explosion 130 - 20m - 80m Discs strike in a barrage
Disc Launcher - Homing Explosion 130 - 20m - 80m Discs track enemy
Laser Sweep Laser 200 130 per second 25m - 60m Fan-shaped spread of laser beams
Cannon Burst - Lead Up Projectile 60 - 20m - 80m Rapid-fire mandibular cannon shots; head sweeps laterally
Cannon Burst - Side to Side Projectile 60 - 20m - 80m Rapid-fire mandibular cannon shots; cannons repeatedly fire left and right

Horizon Forbidden West[]

Name Windup Time Damage Trigger Range Description
Cannon Burst (Lead Up) Short 176 Ranged 20m - 100m Uses Rapidfire Cannons to fire a stream of projectiles starting at the ground in front of target before moving up to it.
Cannon Burst (Side to Side) Short 176 Ranged 20m - 100m Uses Rapidfire Cannons to fire projectiles in a sweeping horizontal motion
Disc Launcher Homing Short 317 Ranged 20m - 100m Launches a disc from each Disc Launcher that tracks target before crashing into the ground and exploding.
Disc Launcher Barrage Short 317 Ranged 20m - 100m Fires 12 discs from Disc Launchers in a sequential barrage.
Disc Launcher 360 Medium 317 Ranged 5m - 25m Launches an array of 6 discs in a defensive 360o formation.
Laser Sweep Medium 317 Ranged

130 Ranged overtime

25m - 55m Fan-shaped spread of 9 laser beams. Only triggers if Thunderjaw is below 40% HP.

Attack disabled when Drenched.

Laser Blast Short 317 Ranged 25m - 70m Gathers energy in mouth and fires an orb shaped laser blast.

Attack disabled when Drenched.

Charge Medium 417 Melee

Crushed Crushed 50

20m - 100m Lowers head and charges at full speed.

Attack disabled when Slowed.

Bite Attack Short 352 Melee 11m - 28m Pulls head back and thrusts forward while biting at target.

Desperation Attack

Rushing Bite Attack Short 352 Melee 0m - 18m Lunges diagonally at a 45o angle while biting.

Desperation Attack

Foot Stomp Short 352 Melee

Crushed Crushed 50

0m - 7m Series of up to 3 foot stomps that alternate between legs. Each stomp creates a Tremor effect.
Tail Swipe Short 417 Melee

Crushed Crushed 50

17m - 44m Rotates 180o and uses its momentum to swipe with its tail.
Tail Slam Medium 352 Melee

Crushed Crushed 50

17m - 44m Lifts tail and slams it on the ground. Impact creates a Tremor effect.


Horizon Zero Dawn[]

Image: Component: Information: Weakness: Strength:
Thunderjaw-Body Body Hard outer casing to protect synthetic muscle and operational systems. None Shock-Icon Shock
Thunderjaw-BlazeCanister Blaze Canister Shooting this canister with Fire arrows will trigger an elemental explosion. Shoot off this component to collect Blaze. Fire-Icon Fire
Tear-Icon Tear
Thunderjaw-DataNexus Data Nexus Hitting this component deals greater damage to the machine. All None
Thunderjaw-DiscLauncher Disc Launcher This heavy weapon can be picked up and used after it has been detached from the machine. Tear-Icon Tear None
Thunderjaw-FreezeCanister Freeze Canister Shooting this canister with Freeze arrows will trigger an elemental explosion. Chillwater can be looted from this canister. Freeze-Icon Freeze
Tear-Icon Tear
Thunderjaw-Heart Heart Hitting this component deals greater damage to the machine. All None
Thunderjaw-PowerCell Power Cell Shooting this component with Shock arrows will trigger an elemental explosion. Sparker can be looted from this component. Shock-Icon Shock
Tear-Icon Tear
Thunderjaw-Radar Radar Destroying this component disables the scanning ability. Tear-Icon Tear None
Thunderjaw-Cannon Cannon Destroying these components disables Cannon attacks. Tear-Icon Tear None
Thunderjaw-Tail Tail Destroying this component disables the Tail attacks. Tear-Icon Tear None

Horizon Forbidden West[]

Name Variant Image Description Attributes
Body All Hard outer casing to protect synthetic muscle and operational systems. None
Data Nexus All Central processor. Especially vulnerable to damage if exposed.
  • Indestructible
  • Weak Spot
Rapidfire Cannon All Twin energy cannons that can quickly fire in horizontal or vertical blasts.
  • Detachable
  • Attack Removal
  • Contains Valuable Resources
  • Destroyed When Killed
Radar All Detection device. Emits a pulse that reveals enemies, including those in stealth, and scrambles Focus signals.
  • Detachable
  • Radar Removal
  • Contains Valuable Resources
  • Destroyed When Killed
Antenna All Signal transmitter used to call in machine reinforcements.
  • Detachable
  • Reinforcement Call Removal
  • Contains Valuable Resources
  • Destroyed When Killed
Heart All Internal core. Extremely vulnerable to damage if exposed.
  • Indestructible
  • Weak Spot
Chillwater Canister Standard Chillwater storage. Tear off to collect this resource or shoot with a Frost Arrow to detonate.
  • Chain Reaction
  • Detachable
  • Contains Valuable Resources
  • Destroyed When Killed
Acid Canister Apex Metalbite storage. Tear off to collect this resource or shoot with an Acid Arrow to detonate.
  • Chain Reaction
  • Detachable
  • Contains Valuable Resources
  • Destroyed When Killed
Disc Launcher All A powerful heavy weapon that can launch a barrage of hovering, explosive discs.
  • Detachable
  • Attack Removal
  • Persists When Killed
  • Useable Weapon
Glowblast Canister Standard Glowblast storage. Tear off to collect this resource or shoot with a Plasma Arrow to detonate.
  • Chain Reaction
  • Detachable
  • Contains Valuable Resources
  • Destroyed When Killed
Blaze Canister Apex Blaze storage. Tear off to collect this resource or shoot with a Fire Arrow to detonate.
  • Chain Reaction
  • Detachable
  • Contains Valuable Resources
  • Destroyed When Killed
Ammo Drum All Large storage container for valuable resources. Tear off to collect its contents.
  • Detachable
  • Contains Valuable Resources
  • Destroyed When Killed
Sparker Standard Shock storage. Tear off to collect this resource or shoot with a Shock Arrow to detonate.
  • Chain Reaction
  • Detachable
  • Contains Valuable Resources
  • Destroyed When Killed
Purgewater Canister Apex Purgewater storage. Tear off to collect this resource or shoot with a Purgewater Arrow to detonate.
  • Chain Reaction
  • Detachable
  • Contains Valuable Resources
  • Destroyed When Killed
Tail All A large metal tail used as a primary melee weapon. Detach or destroy to disable tail attacks.
  • Detachable
  • Attack Removal
  • Destroyed When Killed
  • Key Upgrade Resource


Horizon Zero Dawn[]

Horizon Forbidden West[]


Data Nexus

  • None

Rapidfire Cannon




  • None

Chillwater Canister

Disc Launcher

Glowblast Canister

Ammo Drum




Data Nexus

  • None

Rapidfire Cannon




  • None

Acid Canister

Disc Launcher

Blaze Canister

Ammo Drum

Purgewater Canister



In Horizon Forbidden West, there are two variants of the Thunderjaw.

Variant Weak Vs. Strong Vs.
Thunderjaw Very weak iconCorruption-Icon Acid

Weak iconPurgewater Icon Purgewater

Very strong iconFreeze-Icon Frost

Very strong iconShock-Icon Shock

Apex Thunderjaw Weak iconCorruption-Icon Acid Very strong iconFire-Icon Fire

Very strong iconFreeze-Icon Frost

Very strong iconPlasma Plasma

Strong iconPurgewater Icon Purgewater

Very strong iconShock-Icon Shock

Appearances in other media[]

The Thunderjaw appears in Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart as an object dropped from another dimension into Ratchet & Clank's using the RYNO 8.[19]


  • Although Thunderjaws are shown in the Embrace at the start of the game, their presence during Aloy's infancy would be nine years before they were first observed by the Carja. It seems likely that their appearance in this scene is non-canon, and only intended to showcase the prominent machines of the game.
  • According to game designer Mathijs de Jonge, Thunderjaws are 24 meters long and 9 meters tall.[20]
  • Thunderjaws are perhaps the most well-known machines in Horizon Zero Dawn. Aloy's battle against a Thunderjaw first showcased the game at E3 2015, a massive poster of one was draped on the side of a building in Los Angeles to advertise the game at E3 2016, and the game's box art depicts Aloy hunting one.
  • Thunderjaws (as of Horizon Zero Dawn) have 271 animations, 93 destructible armor plates, 12 unique attacks, 67 visual effects and 550,000 polygons.[21]
  • According to Hermen Hulst, the Thunderjaw was the first machine implemented in the game and was used to prototype the game's combat. The total development time took a year and a half.
  • Thunderjaws are more common compared to other large-sized machines.
  • When playing on Ultra Hard Difficulty in Zero Dawn, the Disc Launchers are made especially resistant to Tearblast Arrows, though other sources of Tear, such as the Tearblaster, will still deal the same amount.
  • During development, the Thunderjaw was referred to as the Raptor.[22]
  • If any Tremortusk sites are found before the Aether mission, the Tremortusk will be replaced by a Thunderjaw.
  • According to Special Item descriptions in Acquired Taste, Thunderjaw blood is "thick" and "viscous".



Concept art[]


Wiki Navigation[]

Horizon Zero Dawn
Acquisition Class Broadhead - Charger - FireclawFW - FrostclawFW - Glinthawk - Grazer - Lancehorn - Rockbreaker - Scrapper - Snapmaw - Strider - Trampler
Combat Class Corruptor - Deathbringer - Ravager - Sawtooth - ScorcherFW - Stalker - Stormbird - Thunderjaw
Communications Class Tallneck
Recon Class Longleg - Redeye Watcher - Watcher
Transport Class Behemoth - Bellowback - Shell-Walker
Unknown Class Control TowerFW
Variants Corrupted machine - Daemonic machineFW
Horizon Forbidden West
Acquisition Class BilegutBS - Bristleback - Charger - Clamberjaw - Fanghorn - Fireclaw - Frostclaw - Glinthawk - Grazer - Lancehorn - Plowhorn - Rockbreaker - Scrapper - Scrounger - Snapmaw - Spikesnout - StingspawnBS - Sunwing - Tideripper - WaterwingBS - Widemaw
Combat Class Clawstrider - Corruptor - Dreadwing - Grimhorn - HorusBS - Ravager - Scorcher - Shellsnapper - Slaughterspine - Slitherfang - Specter - Specter Prime - Stalker - Stormbird - Thunderjaw - Tremortusk
Recon Class Longleg - Redeye Watcher - Skydrifter - Tallneck
Transport Class Behemoth - Bellowback - Leaplasher - Rollerback - Shell-Walker
Unknown Class Defense DroneBS
Variants Apex machine - Corrupted machineBS