Horizon Wiki

"My squad, my children, their children... all dead. I alone endured."
―The Enduring

Azurekka the Enduring, known more commonly as simply the Enduring, is a character in Horizon Forbidden West.



One of the oldest Tenakth alive, the Enduring has outlived all of her loved ones: her squad, her children, and her grandchildren have all fallen. It was for this reason that she became a recluse, as being around others would only remind her of what she lost.[2]

Throughout her long life, the Enduring has trained many Tenakth, including Hekarro himself, as well as any soldier who completed all three training pits. The one person she ever turned away was Regalla, having sensed that she was too consumed by rage to heed any teachings.[2]

At some point, the Enduring served as a Marshal,[3] but she appears to have ceased her duties as such.

Horizon Forbidden West[]

After beating each Pit Master in the Tenakth's three melee pits, Aloy came to challenge the Enduring, and was successful.[4]


Level HP Armor HP Helmet HP Additional Info
35 1500 220 450
  • Equipped with 13 armor pieces.
  • Vulnerable to Fire and especially Plasma.
  • Resistant to Frost and especially Shock.
  • Susceptible to knockdowns and finishing strikes at 33% HP.


Attack Type Damage Trigger Range Description
Slash combo 97/97/194/194 Melee 0m - 6.5m 4-hit combo. Will cancel if first few strikes miss.
Slide Thrust 194 Melee 7m - 11m Slides towards target and thrusts her blade.
Backwards Slash 145 Melee 0m - 4.5m Turns around with horizontal slash and can continue with a combo.
Heavy Combo 97/145/194 Melee 1.5m - 6m 3-hit combo
Heavy Jump Combo 194/97/145/194 Melee 8.5m - 11.5m Sprints at target, jumps forward and hits with a powerful vertical slash. Can be followed up with the Heavy combo.
Push Back 97 Melee 0m - 3.5m Pushes back opponent after blocking an attack, exposing them to a counterattack.
Counterattack 145 Melee 0m - 4.5m Can be used after a push back.
Grab Attack 291 Melee 0m - 4.5m Jump-kicks off target then fires an arrow.
Hit & Run 40 Melee

145 Damage-IconRanged

0m - 6.5m After a horizontal slashing attack, switches to bow and fires. Used to create distance to switch to ranged combat.
Shoot & Run 40 Damage-IconRanged

145 Melee

0m - 6.5m Moves back while shooting an arrow, then switches to melee weapon and charges with a slam down attack. Used to switch to melee combat.
Explosive Twin Shot 85 Damage-IconRanged

85 Explosive-Icon Explosive

16m - 50m Shoots two consecutive Explosive arrows at target.
Explosive Barrage 85 Damage-IconRanged

85 Explosive-Icon Explosive

25m - 50m Shoots a barrage of three Explosive arrows in a spread.
Spinning Leap 194/145 Melee 6m - 11m Leaps forward while spinning. A 2-hit attack, one striking before then one striking after landing.
Dust Cloud None 3m - 10m Drags sword against ground to kick up a cloud of dust that conceals next action. Will usually follow with a melee attack.

Additionally, the Enduring shares the same ranged moveset as Rebel Sharpshooters, dealing 97 or 145 Ranged damage per hit.

Associated Quests[]

Horizon Forbidden West[]


  • The Enduring wears the same outfit Rebel Sharpshooters use, albeit in Marshal colors.
    • When creating the Enduring's model for use in Horizon Forbidden West, Daniel Gutierrez Anaya was tasked with retexturing the Rebel Sharpshooter into a Marshal variant.[3]


Official Artwork[]


  1. As revealed in the description of the Enduring's artwork posted on Daniel Gutierrez Anaya's ArtStation
  2. 2.0 2.1 As mentioned by the Enduring during The Enduring.
  3. 3.0 3.1 As revealed in the description of the Enduring's artwork posted on Daniel Gutierrez Anaya's ArtStation
  4. The Enduring

Wiki Navigation[]

Chief Hekarro
Marshals Chekkatah - Fashav - Ivvira - Javveh - Kenirra - Kotallo - Sentekka - The Enduring - Vintalla - Zekotto
Exiles Ullia
Desert Clan
Commanders Drakka/Yarra (determinant)
Chaplains Jetakka
Eagle Squad Rhetta - Sokorra
Chatakka's Squad Chatakka
Other clan members Attah - Darikka - Dorrak - Drakka (determinant) - Ghrella - Hataktto - Jorokkah - Josekk - Kalla - Kentokk - Kitakka - Lirokkeh - Littay - Marallo - Mekallo - Natikka - Pentalla - Rakkar - Rukka - Teikka - Vetteh - Zokkah
Pets Meat
Veterans Jaxx
Exiles Korreh
Lowland Clan
Commanders Atekka - Nekivva (former)
Settlement Leaders Arokkeh
Chaplains Dekka
Fox Squad Gattak (squad leader)
Ritakka's Squad Ritakka (squad leader)
Other clan members Arorro - Cragella - Fenirra - Garokkah - Hovveh - Ivinna - Kavvoh - Leikttah - Kenalla - Nakalla - Nakko - Parallo - Pekka - Revikka - Shakella - Tenallo - Untalla - Wikkoh - Yivekka - Zella
Sky Clan
Commanders Tekotteh
Chaplains Gerrah
Ram Squad Kivva (squad leader)
Wekatta's Squad Wekatta (squad leader) - Penttoh - Rokko - Zikka
Other clan members Dukkah - Elottak - Erayyo - Ferikka - Haxx - Ikkotah - Jekkah - Kettah - Litakka - Lokattok - Serivva - Terakka - Uvveh - Vikallo - Virakk‎‎
Veterans Ziverra
Regalla's Rebels
Chief Regalla
Champion Grudda
Other rebels Urekka
Exiles Ivvalla