Horizon Wiki

"A snake safe in its lair hears nothing but its own rattle."
Kotallo on Tekkoteh

Tekotteh is a character in Horizon Forbidden West. He is the Commander of the Tenakth tribe's Sky Clan.


It is unclear when Tekotteh became Commander of the Sky Clan, although it appears that he has held the position for quite some time as Veteran Ziverra's comments about him[1] indicate that he has been Commander since at least the time that Veterans were being sent to the Utaru, which ended a few years after the Derangement began.[2]

Tekotteh took a special interest in the orphaned Kotallo as he grew into an accomplished fighter. Kotallo was completely loyal to Tekotteh, comparing his belief in him that one would have in their father.[3]

Tekotteh coveted the Chiefdom for himself, although he never had the courage to challenge Hekarro for it.[4]

Tekotteh fought in the Red Raids, leading Kotallo's squad as they undertook a dangerous climb into the Daunt to allow Kotallo to open the gates from within Barren Light, allowing the Tenakth and their Utaru allies to enter and fight the Carja and raze the settlement.[3]

After returning home, Kotallo was welcomed as a hero, which brought concern to Tekotteh, believing that Kotallo, as a rising young warrior, may challenge him for command of the Sky Clan, despite his lack of interest in doing so. As such, Tekotteh sent Kotallo, against his wishes, to take part in the Kulrut, knowing that if he survived, Kotallo wouldn't be allowed to challenge him. He announced to the clan that it would be selfish of him to rob Hekarro and the Marshals of a warrior like Kotallo. Kotallo was hurt by this, realising that he was effectively being exiled, with it being guised as an honor, as he never wanted to leave the Sky Clan.[3]

Horizon Forbidden West[]

For the embassy in which Red Raider-turned-Marshal Fashav was to be returned to the Sundom, Tekotteh chose not to send the Sky Clan representatives, ordering them to not attend.[5] However, Ram Squad led by Kotallo went behind his back[6] and attended anyway.[7] Tekotteh punished Ram Squad by sending them to guard an old watchtower for their insubordination.[8]

When Regalla's rebellion began, Tekotteh chose to avoid direct conflict: believing himself safe behind the Bulwark, he intended to wait out the rebellion and then defeat the weakened victor, taking the Chiefdom for himself.[4] As such, he ignored Hekarro's call for the next Kulrut.[9]

Sky Clan

Tekotteh atop the Bulwark.

Kotallo and the outlander Aloy were sent to convince Tekotteh to send champions. Unconvinced by an outlander and a maimed Marshal, Tekotteh smugly replied that no champions would be sent as long as the Sky Clan remained safe behind the Bulwark. His challenge was met: using a Tremortusk cannon, Aloy shot the power cell of a tank buried in the Bulwark, bringing down a portion of the wall and ending Tekotteh's sneers. Forced to accept his vulnerability, the commander begrudgingly sent the champions to the Kulrut.[10]

Tekotteh attended the Kulrut in humiliation. Aloy taunted him over attending to probably save face after the Bulwark incident and they threatened each other before going their separate ways. After the rebels were defeated in the attack, Tekotteh witnessed the Vision of Unity and was humiliated yet again when Anne Faraday called for peace rather than cynicism. The Sky Clan Commander had a change of heart and swore loyalty to Hekarro.[11]

Tekotteh helped defend the Memorial Grove in Regalla's final attack. He met Aloy afterward and told her that he defended the Grove to repay his debt to Hekarro. Aloy insists that his debt has been repaid and they part ways.[12]


"Tekotteh, as proud and boastful as a Carja noble."
―Tenakth guard

Tekotteh is self-serving and cantankerous, lacking the honor most Tenakth strive for.

Petty and vindictive, Tekotteh prefers to act from positions of control rather than put himself at risk, often choosing to act from relative safety, initially intending to wait out the rebellion and then claim the Chiefdom for himself after his enemies have been weakened.[4] He is not above sabotage to punish insubordination,[13] as well as being deliberately rude to those he sees as weaker.[10] For these reasons, Tekotteh is unpopular among the Tenakth, even among his own clan. Fashav also had a very low opinion of Tekotteh.[14]

Despite his behavior, Tekotteh is still willing to put himself in danger if needed, including undertaking a dangerous climb into the Daunt and taking part in the battle against the Carja at Barren Light.[3] He is also not above changing, experiencing a change of heart after witnessing the Vision of Unity calling for peace rather than cynicism, becoming a supporter of Hekarro as the Chief's legitimacy was firmly established.[11] He later joins the battle to defend Hekarro from Regalla in her final attack on the Grove in order to pay his debt.[12]

Associated Quests[]

Horizon Forbidden West[]

Associated Datapoints[]

Horizon Forbidden West[]

Scanned Glyphs[]


  1. As mentioned by Ziverra.
  2. As mentioned by Zo in the Base after completing The Eye of the Earth.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 As mentioned by Kotallo in the Base after completing The Kulrut.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 As mentioned by Kotallo during The Broken Sky.
  5. As mentioned by Gerrah during Call And Response.
  6. As mentioned by Kotallo during The Embassy.
  7. The Embassy
  8. As mentioned by Kivva during Call And Response.
  9. As mentioned by Hekarro during The Broken Sky.
  10. 10.0 10.1 The Broken Sky
  11. 11.0 11.1 The Kulrut
  12. 12.0 12.1 The Wings of the Ten
  13. Call And Response
  14. The Bulwark (datapoint)

Wiki Navigation[]

Chief Hekarro
Marshals Chekkatah - Fashav - Ivvira - Javveh - Kenirra - Kotallo - Sentekka - The Enduring - Vintalla - Zekotto
Exiles Ullia
Desert Clan
Commanders Drakka/Yarra (determinant)
Chaplains Jetakka
Eagle Squad Rhetta - Sokorra
Chatakka's Squad Chatakka
Other clan members Attah - Darikka - Dorrak - Drakka (determinant) - Ghrella - Hataktto - Jorokkah - Josekk - Kalla - Kentokk - Kitakka - Lirokkeh - Littay - Marallo - Mekallo - Natikka - Pentalla - Rakkar - Rukka - Teikka - Vetteh - Zokkah
Pets Meat
Veterans Jaxx
Exiles Korreh
Lowland Clan
Commanders Atekka - Nekivva (former)
Settlement Leaders Arokkeh
Chaplains Dekka
Fox Squad Gattak (squad leader)
Ritakka's Squad Ritakka (squad leader)
Other clan members Arorro - Cragella - Fenirra - Garokkah - Hovveh - Ivinna - Kavvoh - Leikttah - Kenalla - Nakalla - Nakko - Parallo - Pekka - Revikka - Shakella - Tenallo - Untalla - Wikkoh - Yivekka - Zella
Sky Clan
Commanders Tekotteh
Chaplains Gerrah
Ram Squad Kivva (squad leader)
Wekatta's Squad Wekatta (squad leader) - Penttoh - Rokko - Zikka
Other clan members Dukkah - Elottak - Erayyo - Ferikka - Haxx - Ikkotah - Jekkah - Kettah - Litakka - Lokattok - Serivva - Terakka - Uvveh - Vikallo - Virakk‎‎
Veterans Ziverra
Regalla's Rebels
Chief Regalla
Champion Grudda
Other rebels Urekka
Exiles Ivvalla