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"His knowledge and wisdom will transcend time."
Carja proverb about Sadahin

The far-seeing Sadahin[1] was the third Sun-King of the Carja tribe.


Succeeding Sun-King Amavad, Sun-King Sadahin ruled as the Carja territory expanded to the north, south, and east, including the formation of a gate at Brightmarket harbor on the southern shore of the Daybrink.[1]

At some point, Sadahin climbed and summited the Sunspear to seek answers and received a vision about the Sundom. At some point, possibly as he summited the Sunspear, before the Sun at its highest, Sadahin proclaimed that the Carja territory would be known as the Sundom.

After his reign ended, Sadahin was succeeded by the Radiant Juwadan.


Several sections were named and monuments were built on the Sunspear by Nora, Oseram and Banuk slaves to honor Sadahin.[2]

Sadahin is looked back on as highly knowledgeable with a lot of wisdom.


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Sun-Kings
  2. As mentioned by Ryas as he picked up the Oseram Chisel in Horizon Call of the Mountain.

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Sun-Court Avad - Itamen - Marad - Nasadi - Vanasha
Sun-Priests Hishavan - Irid - Jahamin - Namman - Vuadis
Nobles Amadis - Daradi - Elida - Fashav - Lahavis - Ranaman - Ravan - Rhavid - Rokasha
Military Balahn - Conover - Firiv - Gediah Kho Veriv - Hami - Janeva - Kavad - Lakhir - Laruvik - Lawan - Maleev - Mavas - Nessa - Nozar - Payiv - Urid - Uthid - Walid - Ybril - Zaid
Hunters Lodge Ahsis - Aidaba - Bashad - Brativin Khane Padish - Farukawas - Greatrun Keeper - Havash - Izvad - Kyran - Ligan - Malesh - Palaved - Spurflints Keeper - Sun Furrows Keeper - Talanah Khane Padish - Talavad Khane Padish - Tarkas - Tufanah - Valleymeet Keeper
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Lore Amavad - Aram - Araman - Basadid - Hivas - Iriv - Jiran - Juwadan - Kadaman - Khuvadin - Marzid - Masarad - Nahasis - Pashaman - Ranan - Sadahin - Sadeva - Tashadi - Udain - Zavarad
Other members Dirid - Duvad - Enasha - Furahni - Gavan - Gendas - Gulahni - Hashiv - Three-Toe Huadiv - Ilsadi - Javad - Keadi - Kindiv - Lubavad - Marzavid - Nasan - Nil - Omas - Quarry Foreman - Ranin - Ravan's Steward - Rushavid - Ruwas - Shahavad - Talvo - Vashad
Shadow Carja
Sun-Priests Bahavas
Military Atral - Helis - Ryas - Shivin - Tarav - Thiran - Vezreh - Yusis
The Order of Twilight Lokasha - Savohar
Other members Abas - Dekamin - Ghaliv - Shianah