Horizon Wiki

Natikka is a character in Horizon Forbidden West.


Natikka is admired for her leadership and decision-making capabilities.  A former member of Kentokk's squad, Natikka had deeply admired and respected her squad leader and his values. During their first battle they had felled a Ravager, and since had fought together and against each other frequently. During her time with Kentokk, he taught her to seek a greater purpose beyond herself.

Following his advice, she sought to become part of the Chief's Guard, a prestigious role given only to a handful of the most capable fighters to guard the Chief and the Memorial Grove, an ancient ruin dedicated to the Ten. This dream, however, led to a falling out between Natikka and Kentokk as he refused to discharge her from the squad, believing her greater purpose was to serve her squad. Natikka returns to the village to make amends with him, but finds that it has been flooded.

Natikka takes care of the survivors with help with Aloy. However, Kentokk passes from a wound sustained during the mudslide before she can apologize. After laying him to rest and ensuring that Bleeding Mark has recovered from the natural disaster, she takes her place among the Guard at The Grove.

Associated quests[]


  • Natikka's hair style was changed in an update.


Chief Hekarro
Marshals Chekkatah - Fashav - Ivvira - Javveh - Kenirra - Kotallo - Sentekka - The Enduring - Vintalla - Zekotto
Exiles Ullia
Desert Clan
Commanders Drakka/Yarra (determinant)
Chaplains Jetakka
Eagle Squad Rhetta - Sokorra
Chatakka's Squad Chatakka
Other clan members Attah - Darikka - Dorrak - Drakka (determinant) - Ghrella - Hataktto - Jorokkah - Josekk - Kalla - Kentokk - Kitakka - Lirokkeh - Littay - Marallo - Mekallo - Natikka - Pentalla - Rakkar - Rukka - Teikka - Vetteh - Zokkah
Pets Meat
Veterans Jaxx
Exiles Korreh
Lowland Clan
Commanders Atekka - Nekivva (former)
Settlement Leaders Arokkeh
Chaplains Dekka
Fox Squad Gattak (squad leader)
Ritakka's Squad Ritakka (squad leader)
Other clan members Arorro - Cragella - Fenirra - Garokkah - Hovveh - Ivinna - Kavvoh - Leikttah - Kenalla - Nakalla - Nakko - Parallo - Pekka - Revikka - Shakella - Tenallo - Untalla - Wikkoh - Yivekka - Zella
Sky Clan
Commanders Tekotteh
Chaplains Gerrah
Ram Squad Kivva (squad leader)
Wekatta's Squad Wekatta (squad leader) - Penttoh - Rokko - Zikka
Other clan members Dukkah - Elottak - Erayyo - Ferikka - Haxx - Ikkotah - Jekkah - Kettah - Litakka - Lokattok - Serivva - Terakka - Uvveh - Vikallo - Virakk‎‎
Veterans Ziverra
Regalla's Rebels
Chief Regalla
Champion Grudda
Other rebels Urekka
Exiles Ivvalla