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Device used for administering the protocol

The Mutiny Suppression Protocol, commonly abbreviated as MSP, was a mind control technology originally developed within Heaven¢, and later refined by Walter Londra in the 31st century.


Through the use of hypnosis and neural stimulation, MSP was intended to compel individuals to obey commands unconditionally.[1] However, side effects of the treatment included increased aggression and lessened impulse control, although these flaws were resolved by Londra's improvements to the technique.

MSP was administered via a device that resembled a medical examination chair, accompanied by a holographic display. Seated on the chair, the subject would repeatedly be shown images accompanied by verbal statements that are factually incorrect, asking for the subject to respond,[2] while a device mounted above the headrest performed neural stimulation. Londra's refined version of MSP is believed to have a completely permanent effect on its subjects.[1]


Old World[]

Heaven¢ began development of the Mutiny Suppression Protocol for use on their astronauts in secrecy. Due to Heaven¢'s handling of captured asteroids in the orbit of Earth and the danger any rogue astronauts could pose with them, mind control was seen as a necessary failsafe to prevent the catastrophic possibility of a rogue astronaut using these asteroids as a weapon.[3] The MSP project was abandoned after it was found to cause episodes of intense aggression in its subjects.[4]

Due to the secrecy of the project, nothing about MSP was documented in the APOLLO database.[5]

New World[]

After returning to Earth, Londra retrieved the plans for MSP from Heaven¢'s headquarters and began researching the technology anew.[6] Using MSP, he intended to create a legion of devoted servants from cloned Quen and ensure the permanent devotion of his retinue, enabling him to live as a deity on a newly colonized exoplanet. His first tests on members of the Quen continued to display the compulsive aggression that had shuttered the project centuries previously, but he was eventually able to eliminate this side effect entirely.[1] This improved version of MSP was to be used on members of Londra's "retinue", an inner circle of his favored servants,[4] but thanks to the efforts of Aloy and Seyka, this never came to be.[7]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Progress Log
  2. As seen when the device is activated during For His Amusement.
  3. Prospero Incident
  4. 4.0 4.1 Dialogue with Nova during For His Amusement.
  5. Dialogue with GAIA after completing For His Amusement.
  6. Empathy
  7. His Final Act