Horizon Wiki
"We who outlast our youth study the Visions and share their wisdom with the young."

Chaplains are esteemed elders within the Tenakth tribe who serve as advisors to the Commanders.


Chaplains are Tenakth elders who serve both as advisors to the Commanders and transmitters of the tribe's oral history (especially that which pertains to the Visions within the Memorial Grove). Within a clan, their power and influence is effectively second only to the Commander.

The process of becoming a Chaplain is unclear: as indicated by Garokkah, not all elder Tenakth are bestowed the rank. However, given the Tenakth's high mortality rate, many of the tribe's few elders have the rank.

Known Chaplains[]


  • In the real-world, the term "chaplain" is used to describe a religious leader attached to a secular or private institution, such as a branch of the military.