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"A powerful hi-tech spear gifted by Sun-King Avad. Equipped with the Master Override, a module that grants the ability to override unlocked machines, and a Resonator to store and release energy. Allows access to Zero Dawn systems. Ideal for melee combat."
―Inventory description

The Champion's Spear is a melee weapon in Horizon Forbidden West.


The Champion's Spear is obtained automatically during the main quest The Point of the Lance as a gift from Sun-King Avad, and is immediately upgraded at a Workbench.[1]


The design of the Champion's Spear is based on Sylens' Lance, having the same coiled shaft shape and similar spearhead (albeit decorated with Carja designs). Aloy's personal modifications include an Override module fitted at the end and feathers along the shaft.

The Champion's Spear retains the functionalities of the Spear from Horizon Zero Dawn, with basic Light and Heavy attacks, override functionality, and powerful stealth attacks. Its changes include Power Attacks, multiple new combos, which may be unlocked through the Warrior Skill tree, and a Resonator, which builds up energy and releases it in a powerful blast.

The Champion's Spear is later modified with two new features: an Igniter,[2] which enables the destruction of Firegleam clusters; and a Vine Cutter,[3] which removes the vines grown from Metal Flowers.

In Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores, the Elemental Spear skill allows Aloy to attach elemental capsules to her spear, allowing melee attacks to deal elemental damage and buildup for a limited amount of time.

Move Set[]

Combo Buttons Description
Nora Warrior R1 - R1 - R1 - R2

or M1 - M1 - M1 - G

"A powerful melee combo common among Nora warriors, useful in knocking down small machines and staggering larger ones."
Block Breaker R1 - R1 - R2

or M1 - M1 - G

"Immediately break an enemy's weapon guard and leave them vulnerable to follow-up attack."
Jumpoff R1 - Hold R2

or M1 - Hold G

"Jump off an enemy to quickly reposition yourself and create distance. Shooting your target with an arrow immediately after a Jump-Off deals extra damage."
Halfmoon Slash Hold then release R1

or hold then release G

"Close in on an enemy with a quick strike. Can also be used to connect or break out of combos."
Aerial Slash R1 - R2

or M1 - G

"Quickly damage an enemy and leap into the air. Shooting your target with an arrow immediately after an Aerial Slash deals extra damage."
The Destroyer R1 - Pause - R1 - R1 - R1 - R1

or M1 - Pause - M1 - M1 - M1 - M1

"A risky flurry of melee attacks that deal a massive amount of damage."
Spinning Scythe R1 - R1 - Pause - R1 - R1

or M1 - M1 - Pause - M1 - M1

"Build up to a powerful spin that strikes all surrounding enemies and clears the area around you."
Energy Surge R1 - R1 - R1 - Pause - R1

or M1 - M1 - M1 - Pause - M1

"Energize your spear quickly with a powerful final strike."


Basic light, heavy, and power attacks will deal the following base damage, though this is increased with certain skills and Valor Surges. Heavy attacks inflict slightly more damage when executed in mid-air, and power attacks deal reduced damage when executed too early.

Variant Damage Damage-Icon Tear Tear-Icon
Light 17 30
Heavy 31/34 35
Power 54/25 50



Wiki Navigation[]

Horizon Forbidden West Weapons
Blastslings Adhesive Blastsling - Barrage Blastsling - Cloudburst Blastsling - Corrosive Blastsling - Explosive Blastsling - Frost Blastsling - Icefire Blastsling - Legacy's Reach - Nora Thunder Sling - Rampart Blastsling - Siege Blastsling - SkyhammerBS - Wings of the Ten
Boltblasters Brawlbreaker - Eternal VengeanceBS - Hammerburst Boltblaster - Icestorm Boltblaster - Plasma Boltblaster - Puncturing Boltblaster - Relentless Boltbaster - Shock Boltblaster - Skystrike Boltblaster - The Blast Forge
Heavy Weapons Acid Bomb Launcher - Acidspitter - Blaze Bomb Launcher - Bomb Launcher - Cluster Launcher - Coil Blaster - Deathbringer Gun - Disc Launcher - Fire Repeater - Firespitter - Frost Blaster - Inferno Blaster - Inferno Bomb Launcher - Mine Launcher - Plasma Bomb Launcher - Plasma Cannon - Plasma Spine Launcher - Pulse Cannon - Ravager Cannon - Shock Cannon - Spinetail Lancer - Stalker Dart Gun
Hunter Bows Berserker Hunter Bow - Death-Seeker's Shadow - Fire Hunter Bow - Frost Hunter Bow - Hunter Bow - Hunter Training Bow - Lightning Hunter Bow - Marshal Hunter Bow - Purgewater Hunter Bow - Pyre Hunter Bow - Seeker Hunter Bow - Slicing Hunter Bow - Strongarm Hunter Bow - Sun-Touched Hunter Bow - Sunshot Hunter Bow - Tears of the Land-god - The Emperor's ReignBS - The Sun Scourge - Toy BowBS - Vanguard Hunter Bow - Whisper Hunter Bow - Wildfire Hunter Bow
Melee Weapons Champion’s Spear - Nora Legacy Spear
Sharpshot Bows Blacktide Sharpshot BowBS - Cleaving Sharpshot Bow - Delta Sharpshot Bow - Exacting Sharpshot Bow - Forgefall - Glowblast Sharpshot Bow - Gravesinger's LamentBS - Hardweave Sharpshot Bow - Iriv's Downfall - Knockdown Sharpshot Bow - Kue's Sharpshot Bow - Piercing Sharpshot Bow - Regalla's Wrath - Sharpshot Bow - Warden Sharpshot Bow
Shredder Gauntlets Ancestor's Return - Boomer's Shredder Gauntlet - Distant ThunderBS - Ironeater Shredder Gauntlet - Piercing Shredder Gauntlet - Ripsteel Shredder Gauntlet - Slicing Shredder Gauntlet - Sunhawk Shredder Gauntlet - The Final Chapter - Thunderbolt Shredder Gauntlet
Special Specter GauntletBS
Spike Throwers Bellowblast Spike Thrower - Defiance - Glowblast Spike Thrower - Heartshatter Spike Thrower - Impact Spike Thrower - Last ArgumentBS - Prototype Spike Thrower - Pulverizing Spike Thrower - Scalding Spike Thrower - Spinthorn Spike Thrower - The Skykiller - Vindicator Spike Thrower
Ropecasters Anchor Ropecaster - Canister Ropecaster - Elite Canister Ropecaster - Elite Ropecaster - Eventide Ropecaster - Ropecaster - The Tie That BindsBS
Tripcasters All-Mother's Blessing - Beamwire Tripcaster - Delver Tripcaster - Explosive Tripcaster - Forgefire Tripcaster - Glowblast Tripcaster - Guardian Tripcaster - Perimeter Tripcaster - Shock Tripcaster - Tinker's Pride
Warrior Bows Acid Warrior Bow - Adhesive Warrior Bow - Carja Behemoth Short Bow - Carja's Bane - Deathrattle Warrior Bow - Eye of the StormBS - Firestorm Warrior Bow - Frostbite Warrior Bow - Melee Warrior Bow - Rain of Sparks - Renegade Warrior Bow - Shearing Warrior Bow - Shock Warrior Bow - Swift Warrior Bow - Warrior Bow