Catalina Garcia Fernandez[1] was a member of Project Zero Dawn, serving as the Alpha in charge of the POSEIDON subordinate function.
Project Zero Dawn[]
During the early stages of the Faro Plague, Catalina Garcia Fernandez was recruited as part of Project Zero Dawn as the Alpha in charge of the development of POSEIDON, which was responsible for restoring Earth's hydrosphere.[1]
As the Faro Plague overran humanity's remaining strongholds before the subordinate functions were complete, Garcia Fernandez and the rest of the Alphas were evacuated to the GAIA Prime facility, where they would spend the rest of their lives perfecting their respective subordinate functions.
Almost a month later on February 2, 2066, Garcia Fernandez and the other Alphas were gathered into a meeting by Ted Faro. They were shocked to learn that Ted had not only locked them out of all the systems, but had purged all copies of the APOLLO database, believing it to be a disease that he wanted to keep from the new humans Zero Dawn would create. Ted then vented the room's atmosphere, killing Tanaka, along with the other Alphas.[2]
Garcia Fernandez's efforts resulted in the restoration of of the hydrosphere, which paved the way for the re-introduction of flora, fauna, and eventually humanity.
Associated Quests[]
Horizon Zero Dawn[]
- The Mountain That Fell (hologram only)
Horizon Forbidden West[]
- The Eye of the Earth (mentioned in a datapoint only)
Associated Datapoints[]
Horizon Zero Dawn[]
Hologram Datapoints[]
Horizon Forbidden West[]
Text Datapoints - Quests[]
- #10 The Subordinate Functions (mentioned only)
- Garcia Fernandez's names are all Spanish in origin, with Catalina being a feminine name, indicating that they were likely a woman of Spanish origin.
- Garcia Fernandez can be seen in the hologram associated with the Emergency Recording datapoint. However, they are represented with a randomized individual on each playthrough.[2]