The Promontory is the fourth Black Box collectable in Horizon Forbidden West.
- HANSEN: I thought I'd got away from you, MacMillan. But, once a driver, always a driver, huh?
- MACMILLAN: I dunno, were you ever flight certified, Hansen?
- MACMILLAN: Yeah, I copy that, Control. We are clear for take-off.
- HANSEN: I guess the pencil-pusher that replaced us meatbags with robots is feeling real proud of themselves today.
- HANSEN: Okay, Mac. Let's get up there and frag some tin.

The wreckage that the black box is inside of.
This black box is found in the Promontory among the aircraft wreckage in the mountains northeast of Plainsong. A Power Cell must be retrieved from a nearby Scavenger Pile to restore power to the aircraft doors and using the Vine Cutter to remove the vines of a Metal Flower.