@Hares312 With the Zeniths and their goals It would be undeniable that some advanced war would occur. The humans would most likely recover the subfunctions way quicker now that they are educated and all over the globe. If the rate is anything like Aloy's, they will get in a large fight with the Zeniths, which i find very interesting. A high-tech civilization, with the numbers advantage and the terrain control, against an even far more advanced civilization that are virtually gods with a thousand years of experience.
Most tribes, with a *little bit* of interpreting, would most likely accept her, Most people in this thread have told how they would go, the Tenakth would probably not care since it did not go against their "religion". The Carja should be subdued with some common fact like "Everything leads back to the sun", The Banuk will most likely take more interest in the whole machine spirit thing as now they have one that actually speaks in front of them, likely going with her to understand it all
Honest response: The Stormbird. It wont destroy my home by just moving, It wont have any spacing problems since it can simply fly high. And If I can ride it,it will have very high utility while still being a formidable fighter
They were pretty much my fav machine man, I always thought of it cooler than the Ravager since it was an obvious level up with no downside, leaving the Sawtooth in the dust 😔. And like Bulkyise said,they were more fun. But... I guess it made sense in-universe they stopped being produced since the Ravager, as I said,was a direct upgrade to HEPHAUSTUS's arsenal.
But what are the Cauldrons for animals then?