Where i can find his mark?
51 Votes in Poll
51 Votes in Poll
Where i can find his mark?
Watcher,Ravager and Rockbreaker
Fireclaw and Specter Prime
In horizon I see only 3 lgbt characters
Oseram(he gay)in Naman quest
Transgender Tenakth
Lesbi Quen(Harriem and Kristia)
Apex version?
Just show me that location/s in map
If Apex Grimhorns have unmarked locations
Show me in map
In posters hfw we see strider
But he not in game
Yours broke my feelings
You say strider return
You promised us!!!
41 Votes in Poll
I use Stormbird and Rollerback
I think in Horizon 3 Aloy will find HADES copy
Who needs to GAIA
Sorry that a bug
I can’t show you died Stormbird and Slaughterspine
I think that can be a nice poster what I created