They need to kill off Sylens
Why comment on a one year old post?
Aloy have Omega clearance
@Finn.Conorich I would like to see Varl beat up that smug bastard Erik it would have to be without his shield of course to make it fair. Sorry for foul language found no other way to describe how I feel about him
Rost and Sobeck. You Can easily guess why.
Why is ourea and farshav here?
They are just some random banuk and tenakth with no real connection.
No I don’t think so since all medicinal knowledge was lost when Faro destroyed the Apollo archive. So Patrick brochard Klein must have designed ELEUTHIA to include such traits which he likely didn’t Do since that would have been redundant with the Apollo archive. They are more active than modern humans which increase life expectancy but they are also due to their primitive status more prone to die from simple diseases.
38-45 I would think going roughly by RL numbers
the only old people We see are the three Nora High matriachs making them the exception and not the norm.
Except We don’t know their life expectancy and they face dangers on daily basis.
Itemen may not even ascend the throne to the Sundom if Nemesis wins. Due to his Young age Aloy and co is probably gone by that time.
Not now but maybe later he gets powerhungry and expansionistic and Launch a invasion. Remember that power corrupts especially if you begin to exploit your position. His Dad was the mad Sun king after all. I know Avad have the same Father but he seems more calm and a fear of becoming like his predecessor. Itamen don’t show either quality so it is possible.
Like green fingers which puts em closer to utaru
@Finn.Conorich It isn’t more true since how could it be? Your statement was tenakth are barefoot. Which isn’t true since the sky clan were shoes and by that logic the tenakth don’t wear armor.
The sky clan have some slippers like shoes
Tenakth should be orcs then. Dwarves should be oseram both are tinkers. Quen are numenoreans. Nora are like the woodland elves since both keep mostly to themselves.
The only kingdom is the Sundom.
@Hares312 The Nora Will have the easiest time since Gaia is the Allmother. So there entire belief system and culture would be positively affected since it Will just confirm some of what they already believe.
There is a reason for seeing only one Slaughterspine at a time. There is 7 of the Apex variant. If one of the tribes were to win it would be a pyrrhic victory.
Since they don’t have any focuses they won’t know about any weakspots or elemental weakness.
On second thought only Anointed would have access to override tech while Seekers have focus tech. You could make a case for ELEUTHIA to be the Allmother but since they are just a subfunction of Gaia it still makes Gaia the Allmother.
Gaia is the All mother.
It would be restricted to Seekers or even Anointed