This happens only in the HFW announcement trailer. A lot of what you see in this trailer, doesn't occur in-game.
The hard core fans would rather anything but a retold HZD story. But the normal movie goer wouldn't be able to correlate any other option, that you've suggested (don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind any of these suggestions). People with a passing interest would find out what the story is about. And they would expect a red haired protagonist, taking down robotic dinosaurs. And if Sony want to make money, they just do a retelling of Aloy's story & Zero Dawn.
You would think that the Carja would be head & shoulders above any of these factions. Given for the sizeable army they have & weaponry they have developed (albeit with help from Oseram ingenuity). But, have to say that the Tenakth would be the strongest & fiercest. Considering, how the Tenakth were able to hold their own against the invading Carja forces during the Red Raids. Good enough that the Carja retreated from the Forbidden West.
@Tyboz9 Agree with the shoe horning. I think that Erend would've been a better fit.
@Tyboz9 Now, you've gone too far. Remember, Aloy & Beta are genetic clones of Elisabet Sobeck. Making them one in the same (but they refer to each other as sisters). More than a little weird 😳.
I don't think that I can a good enough reply to your theories. Don't think about the lore quite like you do
@JRY654 YD123 What's interesting, when have a look under the WORLD tab, it mentions all the tribes & their locations to coincide with certain states in the US . In that table also, there's 3 Northwestern US states. That haven't shown up in the game, or they're barely mentioned. Obviously, these states have no designated tribe that we know of. I wonder if these states will feature in the online game that's getting developed. Or perhaps, where we will venture in the 3rd main game?
Always a good read your theories are.
I don't think that this Lego game will get into deeper lore or expand on it, in regards Nemesis. You'll find that not everyone that has played the games, will automatically play this one. And they would keep the Horizon lore strictly to the story based games. No doubt, there will be nods & Easter eggs laced throughout the Lego game. And that's what has made previous Lego games, (whether that be Star Wars, Harry Potter, DC & Marvel universes) fun.
There's no separate Wiki/Fandom page.
@Finn.Conorich The issues with Jiran are only localised to the areas that were immediately affected by him & his actions. He has no connection to the world pre extinction. But with Ted Faro & Elisabet Sobeck, they're tied directly into the story of what happened to Earth's history. And if Nemesis were to somehow create a digital or living manifestation (even possibly a mixture of both) of Ted & Elisabet, there's a higher chance for creating an intriguing complexity to Aloy's story. More complex than Aloy's relationship with Sylens.
What if Nemesis were to create a digital manifestation of either Ted Faro or Elisabet Sobeck. Or even have both as the third game's antagonist(s)
Have a look in Aloy's bio. It mentions the actress/model.
@JRY654 YD123 I thought that the fan fiction that you had listed, were actually fan films (thinking now, you probably would've stated so). And I was going to have a look on YouTube. Unfortunately, I don't know of any fan fiction to recommend. And I haven't got any of own ideas to share either.
@JRY654 YD123 Are they fan films on YouTube?
Replace the character, Sylens, for a new character, Sykes 😁😁. Just kidding, I have no doubt that it was due to autocorrect. In saying that, recast someone else to portray Sylens. Not sure who I would want to replace him. Maybe Idris Elba. You couldn't just end Sylens story. His story is intrinsically intertwined with Aloy's. And, not too keen of going down the AI route.
The Tenakth, Ullia, that you fight against to capture the bandit camp, Blackwing Snag, has similar markings to the Tenakth that you see at Sunfall. It states that she's most likely (or is) from the Lowlands clan. I presume that this may also be the case with the Tenakth NPC.
Forgot that Bieri destroyed the printer matrix. Has been a while since I last played the
Unless, Far Zenith used the same resources on Sirius, as what is available here, on Earth, to create their Spectres. It could be impossible for Hephaestus to create Zenith tech advanced machines. And what also needs to be done is, destroy the Zenith matrix printer. Along with any resources that Far Zenith brought along with them. That isn't found on Earth.
Since that I haven't played Burning Shores, was there any tell tale signs or perhaps symptoms, which have led you to the theory of Tilda messing around with Aloy's genetics? (My question by no means rules out your theory)