Who do you think will play Aloy, Varl, Sylens etc?
Who do you think will play Aloy, Varl, Sylens etc?
What if, Varl was ALIVE? After the mission in GEMINI, where everyone supposes he's dead, the Zenith's could have locked him at their base's secret room, and he turns to a Zenith himself? You know, like a half-robot???
I thought an ending with this:
Nemesis arrives to earth and helps Varl-bot (I just thought of that) destroy life on earth!
And at the final mission, Zo tells her child (Do you remember, after GEMINI, when she confessed she was going to have a kid?) to stay back in safety, but the child secretly follows Aloy!
So, at the final battle, when Varl sees his child, decides to help Aloy defeat Nemesis!
Varl is dead and Nemesis when arrives at earth finds his body at a secret room at the Far Zenith base. Nemesis turns him a Zenith (half-robot I said earlier?) and puts itself into Varl's brain?!?!?!
Nemesis now can control Varl's body and decides to find Aloy pretending to be real Varl to spy her!!!
At the end, the heroes realize their best friend was their worst enemy and here comes the final battle! Zo is hiding at the base to give birth at her baby but when Varl sees his child he suddenly realizes he is a threat to his friends, to his favorite woman and even his son (or daughter)!
He fights Nemesis to regain control of his body but he can't!!!
Without having another choice, Varl kills himself.
What do you think?
62 Votes in Poll
56 Votes in Poll
D - Erend
C - Varl and Alva
B - Zo and Beta
A - Kotallo
S - Sylens
Aloy is varied from player to player so she can’t really go on this list.
That is my list. Will post a pole later for you all
I finished the main quest line for HFW today, but I am still so sad about Varl! I visited the page for the quest “Reach for the Stars” and cried a little because, Varl started this journey with Aloy. He held the team together and was a true friend, yet he never got to see the fruits of his labors. R.I.P. Varl. You shall be missed :(
Hey, everyone! Fandom is observing Black History Month this February to celebrate Black characters and the lasting legacy of Black creators to our favorite fandoms. For Horizon, we're specifically featuring Horizon Forbidden West and two of its characters in the series, Sylens and Varl!
As part of this event, we're hosting community roundtables every Tuesday in the Fandom official Discord server, within the #bhm-roundtable channel. These roundtables are for discussing Black performers and creators in various fandoms. The video game-centered roundtable will be hosted on Tuesday, February 22 at 12 PM ET/6PM CET, and anyone can participate, so it would be awesome if you joined us!
For more information on this month-long celebration, do check out our blog post on Community Central! Feel free to comment on the blog post and I hope to see you in the roundtable on February 22!
I just had a thought. Does anyone else really hope that we see Erends first moments with a focus and Varl too. Anyone else hoping we see that.
For anyone who's played Horizon: Zero Dawn, if you've visited Rost's grave site following the Revenge of the Nora quest, Aloy states that, despite his mother issues, Varl has made a lasting impression on the flame-haired huntress and that, for once, she actually likes someone. That someone being him. She also offered to take Varl into the mountain before anyone else in the Nora Tribe and showed visible concern for his health following the battle with the Corrupted Thunderjaw and the Eclipse. Could we see this relationship bloom in Horizon: Forbidden West or other future installments? Aloy is fully capable of holding her own and being independent, we've seen that firsthand, but companionship is never a bad thing. Anyone else interested to see how Aloy and Varl turn out as time goes on?