Theory time.
This theory concerns Aloy's journey back to the Sacred Lands. While she has mentioned multiple times how she's better off without the Nora, she did also mention at the end of the base game, while inspecting Varl's focus, that she could travel back to the Nora land. For me, it would make sense for Aloy to return there. For one thing, she needs to let them know about nemesis and get them to stand behind her. Second, Aloy could accompany Zo, since she was planning to travel there as well. Even if the Nora have opened their gates somewhat, l doubt they'd still believe Zo, so Aloy backing her up would help a lot. But, another reason why l think it would make sense and would be a good idea for Aloy to return to the Sacred Lands is, that is how Aloy would come to terms with the Nora. Sure, how they treated her was bad and shty, but she still had people who accepted her when she was an outcast and/or were aware of her outcast past. What would be important is how they [the Nora] are now, since the past cannot be changed. Also, returning there would give Aloy a chance to visit Rost's grave again.
That is how l at least think, how about you guys?