Is anyone able to show me a map of zero dawn and forbidden west with the different territories and which clans and tribes are over what?
23 Votes in Poll
23 Votes in Poll
They were eight and unique, I am talking for the tribes, each with its traditions and each with its skies.
There were the Nora, descendants of ELEUTHIA-9.
Their allies were the Oseram who used to drink wine.
At the snowy Cut, the Banuk survived,
but suddenly the Carja arrived.
Their evil twin, the Shadow Carja, were fans of the moon, in its full light.
The peacefull Utaru's crops were nothing but blight.
The Utaru's neighbors painted their legends on their skins. That's their art.
Yeah, they were called Tenakth.
Beyond the Great Ocean, the Quen were born.
They thought there were barbarians at Thorn (...marsh).
Those were the tribes, they all gave fights, to survive on earth.
40 Votes in Poll
Just a curious question that came to mind: if each of the tribes didn't speak English and instead spoke in their own unique languages, what would they sound like?
What is the list of tribes in technological advancement? Number 1 is the most advanced and number 7 is the least advanced?
84 Votes in Poll
57 Votes in Poll