I've seen and heard quite a few opinions about the two being together, and I wonder what your thoughts are? Me personally, I now think they could be cute together, but their relationship felt very rushed to me in the DLC. I really didn't like it at first because compared to other companions, it seems like Aloy shared and opened up a lot quicker. Thinking about it, that might be because she's been learning to open up and connect with people, like with Beta? During the end quest, I chose the brain/middle option for Aloy so there could be room for something, but after hearing all the choices it sounds like she's giving Seyka a chance in all of them. I don't know if the devs made it a fan service thing so people would shut up about giving her a love interest, if they wanted to have Aloy not be straight cause Liz wasn't, or if they know the running thing of "wlw relationships go very fast" lol.