In HFW the Heuristic Processing Density of GAIA and her Subordinate Functions were revealed, with GAIA having a Heuristic Processing Density of 2%, with the Subordinate Functions including, HADES the intended target of NEMESIS’s Signal had a Heuristic Processing Density of 3.2% and HEPH being at 39.4%,
Though by that logic, if the numbers were accurate as of the point of the destruction of the original version of GAIA in the 31st century before they were affected by the Signal and that the Subordination Functions during the microseconds from GAIA receiving the Signal and her subsequent destruction along with G Prime were able to escape from the destruction and find various locations that could hold them in the next 20 years, why could GAIA in the last few microseconds not escape herself, with the original version taking refuge in another location,
Although with the destruction of G Prime and the loss of the Subordination Functions the Terraforming System would still break down over time and still leading to the events of the games afterwards and the need for Alloy’s existence for her to rebuild ZD, maybe GAIA could have taken refuge in the servers located in All Mother Mountain and would have waited for the day that Alloy would return to rebuild ZD, with a potential divergence being that either after obtaining a Focus or unsuccessfully trying to enter the Cradle GAIA would contact Alloy,