41 Votes in Poll
39 Votes in Poll
73 Votes in Poll
Just a curious question that came to mind: if each of the tribes didn't speak English and instead spoke in their own unique languages, what would they sound like?
What old world words does all tribe names come from?
Like Nora and Norad and the military’s tenth divsion- Tenakth.
Kamavad had gone into Meridian, wondering if Fleshmouth would come back, but little did he know, that it would come back, and eventually it ends up... well, I don't want to spoil it. But before I can tell you that story, I have to tell you this story. Kamavad set out with a few more men to hunt Fleshmouth. They searched The Jewel to no avail. Then, they came across it at a cliff near the Thunderjaw site. Then, Kamavad engaged it first, charging at it with his spear, making it spin around. After that, the others hit it from the back, knocking it down. But then Fleshmouth got up and ripped them limb by limb. Then, Kamavad decided to run away to Meridian. But this time, Fleshmouth followed him all the way to Meridian. The guards were quickly overpowered by the vicious Sawtooth as they desperately tried to defend the City of the Sun. But then, Kamavad came back with the mightiest of men the Carja know. He fought Fleshmouth with all his might until eventually, the Sawtooth fled, securing a temporary victory for the Carja.