62 Votes in Poll
Why are Tenakth on this list? Their Idiots.
^how so?
@Thehumaneldar I'm not saying that at all. The Nora, the Carja, the Tenakth and the Utaru were saved by Aloy basically, for most of them Aloy is legendary. She is the anointed of the Nora, the Savior of Meridian and the Champion of the Tenakth. I think most of their leaders would follow Aloy into war without even explaining the truth, Zero Dawn and GAIA.
But for the Quen, revealing the truth would destabilize their entire government and hierarchy of power. So the emperor and the Diviners might become enemies as the truth could destabilize their power as this truth would dismantle the lie that gives them power. I believe this, along with the Oseram and perhaps even the Banuk, could be the conflict to resolve before Nemesis arrives on earth.
^I mean you are correct about the Quen (not the Benuck or Orsoraum though, don’t know how you think the truth would collapse them.) but this is down to the down right authoritarian and isolationist nature they have. At worst it is a civil war which for Horizon is a Tuesday
Thehumaneldar Tenakth walk Barefoot, and wear literally the worst armor, they don't even know what feet are, since they walk Barefoot, and are dumb, they don't where shoes, which is dumb, and have wooden armor, on top of that, I think it is highly probable that many Tenakth were shot in the feet by Carja during the Red Raids to get stunned, and I myself often shoot the rebels in their bare feet to kill them, it takes awhile but their pain is all that matters.
^ok so you hate that the Tenakth have no shoes. That doesn’t make the comparison with hobbits apt
The sky clan have some slippers like shoes
Lethal blade00 yes which proves me wrong by quite a bit, or is my statement more true? Idk this is starting to hurt my head. Thehumaneldar also the Hobbits have Sam who reminds me a lot of Hekarro, though I think Sam has more kills than him. Also why doesn't it? Hobbits and Tenakth both walk Barefoot, so I think it is extremely apt. Also Regalla is really stupid as well for the aforementioned reasons bu also because she seriosly thinks she could've beaten the Zeniths, and destroyed the Carja, she thought she was powerful.
^yeah both are barefooted but that’s still a poor comparison. I mean ok both elves and Nora have two eyes, that doesn’t mean therefore the Nora are the elves of Horizon.
@Finn.Conorich It isn’t more true since how could it be? Your statement was tenakth are barefoot. Which isn’t true since the sky clan were shoes and by that logic the tenakth don’t wear armor.
What do you think?