Do any of you know what the vent panels are under Riverwatch? When l go behind the abandoned carja fort and scan the area, the focus reveals couple of vent panels, but l have no idea how to get to them. Unless it's a glitch or something.
Riverwatch is part of a Quest with a group of young Desert Tenakth, so the vent panels and all that jazz is to reach an objective at the top of the tower. I haven't explored that area much before the quest so I don't know if the devs put a few restrictions to not allow you to reach the objective unless you have activated the quest but that is quite probably what is happening.
@Hares312 I know about the quest, since l've played the game 5 times now, but l discovered the panels during the latest playthrough. The vent panels are underground, next to where you enter the forth. But you can see them only via focus, which is why l'm asking about them.