In my mind given that FZ in the form of Specters that were composed of nanotechnology that where capable of via the Regeneration Unit to obtain damaged nano plates, in addition to having come into contact with the FZ Printing Matrix that is faster and more efficient than a Cauldron, and possibly even becoming aware of the protective shielding used by FZ, I could see the following happening:
Instead of having machines that would be created from the single source of Cauldrons, I could imagine HEPH deploying a series of Printing Matrix or possibly creating a type of machine that internally processes a Printing Matrix or a combination of both, that would allow for the rapid deployment of new machines closer to the source of an attack and responding with different types of machines that would better combat the problem, with the destruction of a printing matrix being a key factor of a fight,
Maybe with the addition aspect that machines produced from a printing matrix would each have unique override codes, that could render overriding less effective or to obtain the help of a machine it to be created from a friendly cauldron, maybe even from the repair bay underneath The Base in the third game or other local Cauldrons after they had been overridden,
With another aspect being that HEPH would integrate the personal shielding of FZ into its designs and that the anti shield weapon would need to become an everyday aspect of hunting, with the possibility that HEPH being aware that such a countermeasure exists and not fully believing it’s inability to be bypassed fully would instead of having a singular level would create a multi level armour that would individually protect different aspects of the individual machine from being attacked, with a unique arrow or other weapon being created with a small scale version of the anti shield weapon that would temporarily remove it,
What do you think?