In HZD when Alloy overrides a Strider for the first time, she commented on how it connected to her Focus. Therefore a Focus is necessary to override a machine.
But the tribes in HFW don't have Focuses. How does this work?
In HZD when Alloy overrides a Strider for the first time, she commented on how it connected to her Focus. Therefore a Focus is necessary to override a machine.
But the tribes in HFW don't have Focuses. How does this work?
Good question. Probably Sylens overrides for them. Or focus is only necessary for reading the codes of machines.
Maybe the softwares in the Focus and the override part from the Corruptor both are compatible but they aren't necessary to override a machine since corruptors don't have Focuses and if they had it as a part inside them, then they would have been able to communicate in English too.
Corruptors and focuses, both made by FAS. So, I guess thinking that they had same system would be reasonable. Am I right? That's why corruptors didn't need focuses to override machines. They were already able to crack codes.
It could be that you need one of Gaia’s subordinate functions. Sylens uses HADES so the override cables are red. But given that the focuses were a part of the APOLLO program she may be able to access machines through APOLLO. Given that both HADES and Hephaestus can control machines. However, both subfunctions have something to do with the terraformation system, the machines as a whole. But controlling machines may be a basic ability of the subfunctions. I would be interested to learn what happened to the Apollo subfunction it's database was deleted but I don't think the subfunction itself was erased. By the way, how do you just delete all that information? Data logs say they fossilized them! But for another time.
How do the Tenakth even override machines in the first place? Did hey scavenge around some dead corrupters? Maybe when Hade’s [temporarily] reactivated the Faro swarm they got some override components from corrupters that were risen?
No, their overriding component is very different than Aloy's.
Then how would they do it? What other overriding components are there?
Some datapoints says: FAS had enemies, like other corporations. Maybe they outfitted the overriding module to their own robots. Or simply, Sylens made for them.
I agree with tububo with the fas emenies idea
What do you think?